Friday, February 11, 2011

Still frozen...

Today was no letdown in my recent series of adventures. I had my second shift at work, and when I got out at 2:00 the car was acting funny. I managed to drive to the middle of the parking lot, just far enough to get stuck in the middle of an intersection. AAA took almost three hours to get there from Manchester.
Which left me ample time to witness the rotten nature of humanity. People were SO rude and flat out nasty... As if I planned to stall my car on a whim. Yeah, I had nothing else to do with my afternoon except break down. It got to the point where if one more person honked or flipped me off, I was going to lose it. And the worst part is that it was mostly old ladies! Who knew senior citizens were so full of rage? Finally a young guy stopped and helped me push the car out of traffic, so at least there was one human being in Nashua today.
When the tow truck driver finally got there I could have hugged him. Partly because he was there to pick up the car and partly for body heat. It was 24°F out so you can imagine what that felt like.
Anyway, the car is now in the shop, hopefully to be fixed soon.
For stitching, I decided to start the Black Bear pattern for SOLAK. This is my work for the day.

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