Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Still alive!

Poor, neglected blog. I haven't seen you in over a year! *gulp* A lot has happened in that year... we've got some catching up to do!
In February of 2011, I started a new job. In March, my then fiance, Nate, also started a new job, in his own way... after much discussion, he enlisted in the Army. I was more than a little surprised when he broached the subject. If I recall correctly, my initial reaction was hanging up the phone. After about two minutes of self-imposed "time out," I called him back and asked if he was serious. Not being the type to let things lie, I then spent the remainder of that night devouring any information I could. We went to meet a recruiter (who has since become a good friend of ours) several days later, and the rest is pretty much history. We were married in July; it was just about the best day I could have imagined. (Maybe I'll post some pictures when I get reacclimated to blogging.)  In October, Nate shipped out to OSUT (basic training + individual training) and in March of 2012, we moved here to our first duty station in Savannah, Georgia. I'd say that's a lot for one year!

Still stitching, still reading. As usual, I have several projects and several books going at once. I stitched up the Hare's Mother's Day design by Plum Street Samplers for my mother, sewed it into a wrap for a large jar candle in one of her favorite scents, then stupidly wrapped it up and shipped it off to Massachusetts without taking a picture.

In the chaos of moving, some of my large UFOs didn't make the trip to Savannah, so I started a new one. I love this design because it reminds me of my little monster...

See the resemblance? :)

As far as books, I have three going at the moment. I am re-reading 1984, I'm about a fifth of the way through The Little Friend, and am struggling with Midnight's Children. I've gotten very into the site GoodReads, which, if you have not yet signed up, you should! It is a neat way to track your own reading, share and discuss with others, and exchange recommendations with fellow bibliophiles. I have been participating in a book group, with seasonal tasks that challenge you to read different types of writing (fiction, non-fiction, plays, poetry, etc.) in different genres, time periods, etc. Much to my husband's confusion, you don't "win" anything, except perhaps a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task. It's honestly a lot of fun, and it has been a big help in deciding what to read as I go along... when you have a book collection like mine, it can get a bit overwhelming at times!

In summary... I should have some new things to write about, being a stranger in a strange land (the American Deep South) and a novice in the Army family, as well as some old favorite topics to post on. I'll get some pictures of my current project up soon, and keep an eye out for my next book review... I've been writing them on Goodreads but I think I'll start posting them here as well. Thanks to anyone who is reading!

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