Friday, December 17, 2010

More Emerald Stocking

I am going to be taking some time off of work for awhile to refocus and get my life straight. I have a lot of things to work out and a lot of stuff to deal with. So today was my first day at home. I did some final Christmas shopping this morning, which was a horror show. I assumed since it was a weekday morning that it would be smooth sailing but no such luck. We are expecting a pretty sizable snow storm here on Sunday and Monday so everybody and their mother was out today. The DW Highway was almost impossible to get around on. But I got some good shopping done.
Since getting home I have been working on cleaning, laundry, stitching, and spending quality time with Marley. :) Here is what I accomplished on the Emerald Stocking today: I should be making a lot more progress now that I'll have more free time!
Well, that's all for tonight. Thanks for looking!

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